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Screening Test (Portuguese-English)

The Screening is an assessment of your baseline language skills and general knowledge of anatomy in both languages and basic health literacy.

There are three sections to this test.

1. Verbal Interpretation of English sentences into your non-English language.

2. Listening skills.

3. Basic Health Literacy and Profesional-level Medical Knowledge.

The Screening Test fee is not refundable once the questions are viewed and/or the audios are recorded.  We may give you an alternate test if you are not able to access this format. Based on the Screening result, and your background and goals for the program, you will receive our recommendation on the specific program plan to help you accomplish your goals more successfully. 

For more comprehensive testing of employees including evaluation of professional medical interpreting skills, please contact Marlene.

Please contact Marlene at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you.

It may take at least 7 days before we have the results as these are reviewed individually. I will contact you as soon as I receive the results and recommendations.  If you would like the results before 7 days, you may sign up for Expedited Fee: Additional $25.00. Please contact Marlene.